Our beloved Sifu George Husek passed away

by littlemantis , in sifu, škola, škola Písek
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We announce with the deepest deepest sorrow that our beloved teacher George Husek Sifu passedaway just few days before his 72nd birthday. Our Sifu was a pillar of the Chinese Martial Arts community, respected by all who met him, not just for his incredible skill but also his warm heart and generosity.

We as his students are devastated at the loss of our Sifu and ask for privacy and understanding at the difficult time. Please pray for peace in his soul.

S velikou lítostí a zármutkem oznamujeme, že nás opustil náš milovaný učitel George Husek Sifu ve svých nedožitých 72 letech. Náš Sifu byl pilířem komunity čínských bojových umění. Byl respektován všemi, kdo ho potkali nejen pro jeho mimořádné umění a schopnosti, ale také pro jeho láskyplné srdce a štědrost. Modleme se prosím za klid v jeho duši.